Contributions to Institutions
On college web-site, Introducing Course portfolio system containing Time table of faculty
: Lesson Plan / Record of Class work, Lecture notes, Assignments, CIA Tests & Answer Scheme,
Model Exam & Answer Scheme, Mark list of Tests, Details of coaching classes, Teaching details beyond
syllabus in all colleges where served .
Also as part of teaching learning process more weightage is given
to : Group Discussion, Seminars, Mock Interviews and Motivation for Autonomous learning thro’
web-sites in the light of Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam and Releasing lecture slides on web-site. Also, Motivation
for all faculty / staff to work as a team with interest is being given
Where ever I served, the students are transformed into active learners through the mechanics of learning.
Students are encouraged to carry out mini-projects and participate in national level technical design
competitions. Student groups are encouraged to make presentations, engage in role plays, conduct field
studies and share experiences, and innovate on new experiments for laboratory work.
Besides this, students are encouraged to participate in various technical symposia,
paper presentations and design contests as part of their co-curricular activities
MoU's arranged for Industry Institution Interactions with the scope of :
Arranging guest talks from industry, Students projects carrying out and placement,
Association of industry members to create center of excellence, Association of industry people for
National and International seminar/work-shops, Arranging periodical trainings in tune with state of art technology
Industry Institution collaboration made with UAE University and Sharjah Airport to help
the students for their real time projects , advanced trainings beyond syllabus and guest talks
Established Research centre in CSE with Anna University affiliation as
Research Supervisor and Director in Arunai Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai
Organised National Conference in PB College of Engg., Chennai as Editor in Chief
and Technical Chair and released
Organised International conference in Lord Venkateshwaraa College, Kanchipuram as
Editor in Chief and Technical Chair and released online proceedings on Jan 9, 2009
Organised International conference in Einstein College of Engg., Tirunelveli as
Editor in Chief and Technical Chair and released online proceedings on May 5, 2010
Organised International conference in Cape Institute of Technology, Kanyakumari Dt.
as Editor in Chief and Technical Chair and released online proceedings on May 8, 2010
Organised many workshops / short term training programmes in colleges using AICTE funding
Delivered number of guest talks om various topics like, S/W engineering, S/W testing,
datamining, man-machine-interface , e-commerce technology and their applications in industries
Acted as Technical Advisor for Skyline College, Sharjah, UAE in the field of Information Technology
Acted as Chairman of many committees like research committee, HRD committee,
Library committee etc. in DSI Bangalore as Director Computer Science, research and incubation centres
Acted as Chief examiner in CSE for Anna university examinations
Acted as Chairman , CSE for Anna University examinations
Acted as Member of Doctorial committee , CSE, Anna University
Acting as Member of Doctorial committee in various other universities like Sathyabama University etc.