Interaction with outside world
by Dr.S.Sridhar
Reviewer for Mathematical reviews, USA , selected on merit by US Committee
Reviewer for Zentral Blatt fur Mathematik , Germany , selected editorial board headed by Prof.Wegner
Reviewer for IEEE Proceedings series
Reviewer for IET Communications
Reviewer for Airports Council International (Paris)
Reviewer for British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science
Reviewer for Journal of Basic and Applied Research
Reviewer for Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research
Reviewer for The Journal of Engineering
Reviewer for Asian of Mathematics and Computer Research
Reviewer for International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology
Reviewer for SpringerPlus
Reviewer for IJITR
Acted as Technical Advisor for Skyline College, Sharjah, UAE in the field of Information Technology
Acted as Chairman of many committees like research committee, HRD committee, Library committee etc. in DSI –RAK UAE, in the capacity of Vice Chancellor
Acted as Member of Doctorial committee , CSE, Anna University, Chennai
Member of Doctorial committee in Cranfield University, UK
Member of Doctorial committee in Sathyabama University, Chennai
Member Doctorial committee in Venkateshwara University, UP
Member of Doctorial committee in VTU, Belagavi Karnataka
Chief Supdt. For University MS Examinations
VC Designate for Kuvembu University PhD centre in RVCE Bangalore
Advisor to many engineering colleges affiliated to Anna University