Dr.A.P.J.Kalam once sent a mail that I am doing good work in a deserving Country on a
New year Day as ever cherishing best wishes!
Funded projects IN AIRPORT & ONGC INR 450cr in Total
Sharjah International Airport, Sharjah U.A.E. (1995-2000) Funded MNC projects worth for INR 420cr
Directing the Department of Management Information Services (MIS) of the Sharjah Airport Authority to
provide comprehensive and high quality services, for the modernization, in tune with state of art technology.
Liaison with other user departments for their IT –needs / user trainings to make sure system compatibility for
all IT-Applications, in most user-friendly manner, with periodical meetings.
Advice on all aspects of Information Systems (SAP) Solutions pertaining to the airport and related bodies.
Preparation of MIS reports periodically to brief Director General, SAA and advising other Government
departments in Sharjah, for IT-Feasibility study and linking facilities.
IT equipment & peripherals purchasing, installation, configuration and support.
Supervising the Informix Applications Development group to develop a series of in-house
application software using Informix- RDBMS and guiding them with R & D approach
Supervising the Oracle applications development group to develop applications.
Supervising Software Maintenance Group and guiding them with R & D approach
Supervising Hardware System Group to install a number of IT items in various locations in the airport ,
maintaining airport’s Internal network and Internet, Data and System Security with Regular back-up,
Data corruption and Remedy, Disaster management , Virus Protection for computers and SAA network.
Supervising the Hardware Maintenance Group, to perform preventive maintenance of all the IT equipment,
Upgradation of Software and Hardware, Internet applications and Email Facility for the users,
Network Maintenance (Preventive and Periodical), Trouble shooting Hardware problems on call basis.
Offering Customer Services, such as Training, guest talks periodically for UAE National students of Higher Colleges of Technology / Universities.
Contributing towards Research & Development in the areas of Technology Research and Application Development.
Modules worked on : Cabling of the terminal for Video, Voice and Data, Flight Information Display System (FIDS),
CCTV system, Access Control System, Building Management System , Fire and safety systems ,
Terminal Control Center including Data Center, VoIP / LAN telephone system , Airport and Airline staff
Administrative networks , Trunk Mobile Radio, Electronic Point of Sale (e-POS) /
KIOSK , Baggage Reconciliation System
Oil & Natural Gas Corporation (1980-1994)
Funded R and D projects worth for INR 30cr
Heading the Regional computer centres in Dehradun, Bombay, Baroda, Chennai offices of ONGC
for technical data processing like seismic , drilling and reservoir with a lot of high end modeling
techniques, using IBM main frames , Norsk Data systems etc.
Also involved in guiding the people for doing research in controlling blow-outs, optimization of
drilling , seismic interpretation techniques, reserve estimates etc.
About 30 R& D projects were successfully completed. Development software for technical data processing
like seismic , drilling and reservoir with a lot of high end modeling techniques,
using IBM main frames , Norsk Data systems etc.
R & D Projects carried out are :
Well Information System (WIS) (1994), Prediction of Migration Velocity(1992),
Seismic migration processing (1991) , ES for migration velocity (1990),
Migration processing for PY-3,TR (1989),
Toup transformation software(1989),
Seismic accounting software (1989), Seismic information system(SIS)(1988),
ST System for drilling parameters(1987), Bit-type selection software (1987),
Hydraulic module software (1987), Drilling processing software (1987),
Optimization Study for KG (1986), Optimization Study for Kalol(1986),
Drilling data Software at IIMA (1985), CBIS for drilling ( 1985),
Drilling Technology programs(1985), Drilling variables database(1984-85) ,
Optimization for KG(1984), Optimization for Bombay High(1984),
Well data codification techniques (1983), Optimization for Lakwa(1982),
Optimization for Galeki(1982)